Working language of the symposium is English.
Abstracts will be published in English.
The abstract volume should not exceed 2 pages for the invited papers and 1 page for contributed papers.
It is necessary for the authors to specify the section number on which the report is to be presented.
The directed material should give precise representation of the contents of the report (statement of the task, basic results,
conclusions) and to have necessary minimum of illustrations, formulae, references.
The text of abstracts will be published from the *.rtf file submitted by the authors without editing and proof-reading.
The text of the abstract should be prepared according to the guidlines in "Insruction07" - attachment file to the
First Announcement.
Abstracts not prepared according to the instructions or failing to meet the publishing standards will not be
included in the Book of Abstracts.
The abstracts should be sent as an attachment to an e-mail message directed to the Organizing committee of the symposium,
Dead-line for the receipt of abstracts is June 1, 2007.
A. N. Author1, B. D. Coauthor2
1Name of Institution, City, Country
2Name of Institution, City, Country
This is the template to prepare your abstract. The text of the abstract should fit in the 160x245 mm frame for
European A4 paper (210?297 mm), it means that: top margin should be 25 mm, bottom margin should be 27 mm,
outside margin 25 mm, inside margin 25 mm.
The title of the abstract should be centered and set in all caps, use Times New Roman bold, 14 pt.
The name(s) of the author(s) should be centered and typed in Times New Roman italic, 14 pt; space before 12 pt,
space after 6 pt. Affiliations should be centered and typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt, space after 12 pt.
The body text should be in Times New Roman, 14 pt, justified, single-spaced, first-line indent 10 mm.
Avoid displayed equations until absolutely necessary. All variables in formulae and mathematical expressions should be
italicized (e.g. E = mc2 ).
Avoid subheadings unless absolutely necessary. When required, use Times New Roman bold, 14 pt, with first-line indent 6 mm, space before 10 pt, space after 6 pt.
Avoid figures unless absolutely necessary. When required, use black and white versions of pictures. Please send BMP or JPG files of them with the abstract text as an attachment.
Please send an MS Word or RTF file with the abstract text as an attachment to an e-mail message to the
Organizing Committee
Indicate "ISS-2007 abstract" in the subject line of your message.
Invited reports - 2 pages of presented sample, others - 1 page.
1. Helliwell R.A. Whistler and related ionospheric phenomena: Stanford Univ.Press, 1965.
2. Smart D.F., Shea M.A. // Adv. Space Res. 1996. V. 17, N 2. P. 113.
(References in the text should be shown as [1], [2], [3], etc.)