Formation, stability and decay of inhomogeneus plasma structures
in a hot magnetized plazma electrostatically unstable.
1) Electrostatic instabilities of plasma in the topside ionosphere are developing alike to
that of solar corona and another plasmas. Satellite measurements of electrostatic noise and
theoretical analysis of data on electrostatic and electromagnetic emission, plasma temperature
and density are used to reveal new laws in formation and decay of inhomogeneous plasma
2) Theoretical treatment of measurement data upon ionospheric electrostatic waves emission
within the frequency band 0.1 - 10 MHz, plasma density and electron temperature is presented
to reveal some peculiarities in the processes of plasma trough and different scale cavity
formation. Intercosmos-19 and APEX satellite data are investigated thoroughly in order to
propose a mechanism of topside ionosphere plasma cavity heating by short waves excited in the
electrostatically unstable ionospheric regions. It is shown that the phase - space properties
of the broad-band electrostatic noise play very important role in the processes of the growing
up and damping of intrinsic electrostatic waves propagating in plasma inhomogeneities. Plasma
cavity heating in the topside ionosphere observed in space experiment data most probably
depends on propagation conditions of short length electrostatic waves thus permittivity
properties of inhomogeneous magnetized hot plasma must be taken into account even for the
low temperature ionospheric plasma.