A.A. Gnezdilov, R.V. Gorgutsa, A.K. Markeev


     The first  observations  of a radio emission of the Sun at the Solar Radio

Laboratory of IZMIRAN have been carried out in the 1949 year. The beginning

of  regular  observation,  which form the almost uninterrupted 37-year-long

line of data, was connected with a preparation to International Geophysical

Year and, after that, to IQSY.

     It's  clear  from Tables below (Bank of data... and Database...), that

in  1956  -  1957  yrs.  daily  (06:00 - 12:00 UT) observations of the flux

density  of  the  radio  emission of the whole Sun have been started at the

fixed  frequencies  204 and 600 MHz. The observational complex was extended

in next years.

     Since  the  January,  1961  have been carrying out the observations by

radiospectrograph  90 - 45 MHz, which register dynamic spectra of the solar

radio  emission.  Up  to  recent  time there was the only regular such kind

observations  in our country. Now the observations by radiospectrographs are

carrying  out at a more wide frequency range, which exceed 2.5 octaves (280

- 45 MHz).

     The  flux  density  of  the  radio  emission  of  the Sun at 3 GHz has

regularly  registering  since the October, 1967. Since the August, 1968 and

June,  1972  some  programs  of an investigation of the polarization of the

sol8ar radio emission at frequencies 204 and 74 MHz have been made.

     An  information obtained, i.e. the data bank, is kept as records of an

analog  signal at a paper tape (the flux density, the polarization) or film

(dynamic radio spectra).

     The  main part of data has been preliminary analyzed. By this analysis

tables  of  observations have been compile, the format of the tables mainly

coincide  with  the  format of data being published at "Solar - Geophysical

Data"  bulletin.  In  the  tables averaged over a day flux densities of the

radio  emission at fixed frequencies, their mean variability are contained.

A  times  of the beginning, the maximum, and the end of events are included

in  data  about outstanding events (manifestations of the solar activity at

the  form  of  radio  bursts)  with  the  value  or the ball of the maximum

intensity of events and their morphological characteristics.

     The main part of this tables have  been publishing at bulletins "Solar

-  Geophysical  Data",  "Solnechnye  dannye"  and "Quarterly Bull. on Solar

Activity".  The  data  of the observations of the radio emission of the Sun

are widely known and are used at investigation of scientists in our country

and abroad.

     The  relational  database "LARSBASE" has been forming with dBase IV in

1993.  It  is  kept at a disk memory. The database being expanded by adding

data of last years observations.

     An  access  to  the  database  are  performed with the special program

independent  from dBase IV. An essential part of data may be outputted to a

printer or to a text file. By agreement the data of IZMIRAN observations of

the  solar  radio  emission  may  be  submitted  by  E-mail  for scientific



     142092, Moscow Region, Troitsk, IZMIRAN,

     Solar Radio Laboratory


     E-mail: agnezdil@izmiran.rssi.ru



     Bank of data of observations of the radio emission of the Sun


                          at IZMIRAN



. Observed      Observed      parameter        The beginning   The end   

.frequency  ...............................………………………………………..

.  range        Flux    Degree of     dynamic          of observation

.  MHz       density  polarization spectra                month, year       


.  3000          +                                              Oct. 67              Today

.   545           +                                              Jun. 57              Aug. 60   

.   545           +                                              Jan. 61              Mar. 62   

.   204           +                                              Jan. 56              Today

.   204           +           +                                Aug. 68             Sep. 73   

.   169           +                                             Jan. 84              

.    74            +           +                                Jun. 72              Jul. 81   

. 230 - 180                        +                         Nov. 68             Today

. 190 -   90                        +                         May  73             Today    

. 280 - 170                        +                         Mar. 87   

.   90 -   45                        +                         Jan. 61               Today



    Database of observations of the radio emission of the Sun at IZMIRAN




               .  Frequency          Data at          

               .     range               the dBase IV system    

               .                            and the SGD format     

               .     MHz               the beginning - today  


               .     3000               Jan.90 - today         

               .      204                Jan.90 - today         

               .   270 - 45            Jan.90 - today      
