SOHO/EIT(Delaboudiniere et al., 1995), 195
Å, 12-min cadence.
SOHO/LASCO(Brueckner et al., 1995).
Yohkoh/SXT (Tsuneta et al., 1991).
Halo CME events -- sources in the central zone of the disk.
Two types of the SOHO/EIT difference images:
Running difference images - each current image is subtracted from the subsequent one. Artificial dimmings and brightenings.
Fixed difference images - the same pre-event image is subtracted from all subsequent ones. Rotation effects.
1997.05.12: Running difference ; Fixed difference ; Images
difference images (and movies) rerotated
to the pre-event image:
dimmings and brightenings. Restricted intensity range of +/-(50--150) count/pixel.
Running difference images and movies -- supporting tools.