About the book

The book is written and published on Jury Kholodov's initiative that was the author of the numerous monographs about influencing magnetic fields to biological objects. But after it became possible to register authors want to extend and announce the new information to the readers.

The book is written relatively a long time ago, but during this time physics have not offered new ways of supersmall magnetic fields registration. The great hopes of physics are connected to appearance hyperthermal superconductivity (HTSC). These devices work not at the temperature of fluid helium but at the temperature of fluid nitrogen, therefore, operating costs will be lower. In the meantime parameters worse than parameters of magnetometers on the basis of superconductors working at the temperature of fluid helium.

In due course nowadays by academician of RAS E.Alexandrov the magnetometer was offered on the basis of optical pumping in vapors of rubidium, which could make up a competition by reduced ratings to magnetometers on at the temperature of fluid helium. Unfortunately this direction has not got further development.

The book is intendedfor biophysics, physiologists, zoologists, cardiologists and neuropathologists. Those who wants to know much about a super-sensitive magnetometry also can receive a useful information.
