Kozlov A.N.

About me

I work in Institute of a terrestrial magnetism, ionosphere and radio propagation of the Russian academy of sciences after termination the Moscow electrotechnical institute of communication in 1957 up to of the present time.
I worked in lab of propagation of mean radio waves above creation of the receiver for measurement of tension of mean radio waves for data retrieval on construction of maps of conductivity of ground in the indicated range.
In 1959 I has passed in lab of magnetic space measurements of IZMIRAN (Dolginov Sh.Sh.), where worked on creation ferroprobe magnetometer for measurement of a module of induction of a magnetic field of ground on orbit of a satellite, on creation sensors of proton magnetometers.
1960. - Beginning of new subjects - magnetometers on the basis of optical pumping and magnetic resonance.
1962. The maiden implementation in USSR of the magnetometer with optical pumping. Participat in all activities on creation, test of the quantum magnetometer QCM-1 for space researches in a near space.
1969. A space port Plesetsk. Launching of a satellite Kosmos - 321 with the magnetometer on board.
1970. A space port Plesetsk. Launching of a satellite Kosmos - 356 with the magnetometer on board.
1972. I has headed lab of a quantum magnetometry.
1975. Activity on creation of a superhighly sensitive gradiometer with optical pumping in vapours of cesium
1976. A beginning of activities on magnetocardiography together with Institute by maximum nervous activity and neurophysiology. Magnetocardiography, magnetoenceglaphy, magnetomiography.
1981. Participation in activities on definition of a dipole magnetic moment of a neutron (JINS).
Beginning of activities on optical polarization of nucles He3. The relaxation time of nucles is obtained 5 - 6 hours. Geophysical overland, marine and helicopter researches on Ural, Kola region, Kursk magnetic anomaly, in Kareliya, on Sakhalin, in Naryan-Mar, in the Archangel region, by the Black sea.
1985. Effect of a variable magnetic field on cell-like frames. Creation experimental devices.
Superparamagnetism in medium a liquid - quartz sand. Influencing on superparamagnetism of the size of fragments and temperature.
Beginning of activities on dynamic polarization of radical materials(matters). Creation new sensors. Research of a broadband radio-frequency noise on optically polarized medium. Maiden experience till laser optical pumping of vapors of cesium
1987. Issue of the monography With Kholodov Yu.A. And Gorbach A.M. " Magnetic fields of biological objects.
1988. Protection of a doctoral thesis " Radiooptical magnetometry in geophysical and applied researches " on a speciality - radio physics, including quantum.
1989. The associate editor of the log-book " Devices and engineering of experiment ".
1990. Issue of the monography with Kholodov Yu.A. And Gorbach A.M. " Magnetic fields biological objects " in English.
Development of the computer letter and applications.
1990. Creation of a proton magnetometer of high stability and sensitivity (0.01 - 0.02 nT) by the order of Armenia.
1993. Organizational activity in division the EPOS IZMIRAN.
1996. Opening-up of the project on quasisun to a light source on the basis of a very high frequency discharge in vapours of sulfur.
1998. Creation of the prototype of a light source, maiden in Russia (together with NIINP MSU and joint-stock company "Pluton"). Opening-up of the new projects on extension of light sources.
