Short self-biography (CV) ofProf. Dr. Starchenko Sergey Vladimirovich
Kaluzhskoe hwy 4, Troitsk, Moscow 180840, Russia Tel: +7-495-8519759 (work), +7-910-9788799 (mobile & WhatsApp) Since 1985, I work on magnetism and hydrodynamics in the Earth, planets, stars, galaxies, experimental and other objects. My main specialization is analytic and asymptotic modeling of convection and magnetism in fast rotating shells. Recently I’ve started to work on data analyzes. I had Ph.D. and Dr.Sc. degrees, 2 JSPS, 4 RS, 2 INTAS, 12 RFBR, 2 Russian Academy Program’s and 1 Russian President’s grants. I worked as part-time Professor for 11 years in total. I organized and participated in about 70 international meetings, published 3 books, 56 papers in refereed journals (13 from 2013 until 2017) and produced more than 200 publications in total. Since 2010, I am Chief Scientist and head of the “Main magnetic field of the Earth” lab in IZMIRAN. |
My selected publications:
Ruzmaikin, A. A. and S. V. Starchenko, On the origin of Uranus and
Neptune magnetic fields, Icarus, 1991, 93, 82-87.
Starchenko, S. V. and V. P. Shcherbakov, Inverse magnetosphere,
Doklady Academy Nauk (USSR), 1991, 321, No 1, 69-74.
Starchenko, S. V., Dynamo models with strong generation 1. Kinematic
solution and axisymmetric α2ω-dynamo, Geoph. Astroph.
Fluid Dynamics, 1994, 77, 55-77.
Starchenko, S. V., Excitation of non-axisymmetric magnetic structures
in galaxies, Sun and planets, Astronomy Reports, 1995, 72, No 2.,
21. Starchenko, S. V. and M. Kono, Comparison of numerical solutions
with MEGA asymptotics of αω-dynamo problem, Geoph.
Astroph. Fluid Dynamics, 1996, 82, 93-123.
Starchenko, S. V., Magnetohydrodynamic flow between insulating shells
rotating in strong potential field, Physics of Fluids (A), 1998, 10,
Issue 9, 2412-2420.
Starchenko S. V. and C. A. Jones, Typical velocity and magnetic field
strengths in planetary interiors, Icarus, 2002, 157, Iss 2, 426-435.
Starchenko S. V., Kotelnikova M. S. and I. V. Maslov, Marginal
stability of almost adiabatic planetary convection, Geophys.
Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 2006, 100, 397-428.
Bassom, A.P., Soward, A.M. and S.V. Starchenko, The onset of strongly
localized thermal convection in rotating spherical shells, J. Fluid
Mech., 2011, 689, 376-416.
Starchenko S. V. and M. S. Kotelnikova, Critical stability of almost
adiabatic convection in fast rotating and wide spherical shell, JETP
(Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.), 2013, 143, 2, 388-396.
Starchenko, S.V. and Y.D. Pushkarev, Magnetohydrodynamic scaling of
geodynamo and planetary protocore concept, Magnetohydrodynamics,
2013, 49, No 1, 35-42.
Starchenko, S.V., Analytic base of geodynamo-like scaling laws in the
planets, geomagnetic periodicities and inversions, Geomagnetism and
Aeronomy, 2014, 54, No 6, 694-701.
Starchenko, S.V., Observational estimate of magnetic field and
geodynamo parameters under the surface of the Earth’s core,
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2015, 55, No 5, 712-718.
Starchenko S.V., Scaling and excitation of combined convection in a
rapidly rotating plane layer, (JETP) Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 2017, 124,
No 2, 352–357.
15. Starchenko S.V., Energy geodynamo parameters compatible with analytical, numerical, paleomagnetic models and observations, Fizika Zemli, 2017, No. 6, 110-124.
See more below and at www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergey_Starchenko
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Dr. Starchenko, Sergey Vladimirovich
E-mail: sstarchenko@mail.ru
Tel: +7-495-8519759
(work), +7-910-9788799 (mobile & WhatsApp)
Birthday - 28/05/59
(USSR), married, three children; leisure interests: WWW, swimming.
Magnetism and hydrodynamics in the Earth, planets, stars, galaxies, experimental and other objects; analytic and asymptotic modeling of convection and magnetism in fast rotating shells.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS): 1993-1994, 1999.
Royal Society (RS): 1995-1996, 2000, 2001, 2007-2008.
Russian Fund of Basic Researchers (RFBR): 1996-1998, 1997-1998, 2002-2004, 2003-2005, 2006-2008, 2007-2008; 2009-2011, 2010-2012, 2012-2014 (two), 2013-2015, 2016-2018.
Russian Academy Program’s grant: 2011-2013, 2018-2020.
Russian President’s grant: 2006-2007.
International Association
for the promotion of co-operation with scientists from the New
Independent States of the former Soviet Union (INTAS): 2000-2003,
2006, Professor of Physics, Rybinsk State Avian-Technical Academy (RGATA) and Highest Attestation Committee in Russia (VAK), Rybinsk and Moscow, Russia, Physics;
2000, Leading Scientific Researcher, Geophysical Observatory ``Borok," OIFZ RAN, Yaroslavskaya oblast, Russia, Geophysics;
1999, Doctor of Science, Institute of the Physics of the Earth of Russian Academy of Sciences (O IFZ RAN), Moscow, Russia, Physics and Mathematics;
1988, C. Sc. (Ph.D.), Space Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI RAN), Moscow, USSR, Physics and Mathematics in Astrophysics, the highest grade;
1985, `Red Diploma' (MA), East-Kazakhstan University, Ust'-Kamenogorsk, USSR, Physics and Mathematics, the highest grade;
1980, `Uncompleted
highest education' (BA), Moscow Physical-Technical Institute (MF-TI),
Dolgoprudniy in Moscow region, USSR, General Physics, medium grade.
1985-1988, Moscow Pedagogical University (MGPI) and Institute of the Applied Mathematics, Moscow, USSR, Ph.D. courses, Mathematics;
1981-1985, East-Kazakhstan University (V-KGPI), Ust'-Kamenogorsk in Kazakhstan, USSR, MA courses, Physics and Mathematics;
1976-1980, Moscow Physical-Technical Institute, Dolgoprudniy in Moscow region, USSR, BA courses, General Physics.
01/2004 - present: Principal Scientific Investigator, Chief Scientist and Head of laboratory, Pushkov institute of terrestrial magnetism, ionosphere and radio wave propagation (IZMIRAN), Troitsk, Moscow, Russia. Leading Russian scientists in the planetary convection, magnetism and in Magneto-Hydro-Dynamics of rotating fluids.
08/2000 – 09/2008 part-time Professor of Rybinsk State Avian-Technical University, Rybinsk, Yaroslavskaya oblast, Russia.
07/1989 - 12/2003: Principal Scientific Investigator, Geophysical Observatory ``Borok," OIFZ RAN, Yaroslavskaya oblast, Russia. Leading Russian scientists in the Solar and planetary dynamos and in Magneto-Hydro-Dynamics of rotating fluids.
08/1985 - 07/1989: Senior Lecturer (Reader), Physics and Mathematics Department, East-Kazakhstan University, Ust'-Kamenogorsk, USSR. Teaching students. Producing new courses and laboratory works. Leading Kazakhstan's scientists in MHD dynamo theory.
06-08/2000 and 02-05/2001: Senior Researcher, University of Exeter. Analytic researches on the planetary and Solar MHD dynamo problems with Prof. Andrew SOWARD FRS and Prof. Chris JONES.
02/1999 - 10/1999: JSPS Senior Researcher, Inst. Study Earth's Inter., Misasa, Okayama University, Japan. Numeric researches on magnetism and hydrodynamics of the planetary interiors with Prof. Masaru KONO.
01/1995 - 01/1996: Senior Researcher, University of Newcastle. Analytic researches on ``Astrophysical and Geophysical Dynamos" with Prof. Andrew SOWARD FRS at the same University.
06/1993 - 06/1994: JSPS Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Tokyo. Numeric and analytic researches on mean-field Solar MHD dynamo problem under supervision of Prof. Masaru KONO.
Defined by direct observation and long-term reconstruction of parameters geodynamo and MHD dynamo planets, RFBR Grant 16-05-00507-a, 2016-2018, head.
Power scaling of hydro-magnetic dynamo in the cores of the Earth and planets, RFBR Grant 13-05-00893-a, 2013-2015, head.
Communication Research between the intensity of the geomagnetic field and the duration of the intervals of constant polarity in the geological past, RFBR Grant 12-05-00288-a, 2012-2014, executor.
The solid core of the Earth as a protoplanetary embryo when the heterogeneous accretion: paleomagnetic and isotope-geochemical testing the hypothesis, Grant RFBR 12-05-00523-a, 2012-2014, executor.
Magnetic micro - and nanoparticles in lake and marine sediments as indicators of change of environment and climate in the geological past, Grant RFBR 10-05-00117-a, 2010-2012, executor.
The geomagnetic field and magnetohydrodynamics of the Earth's core, grant INTAS, 99-00-348, 1999-2002, head
Long-time magnetohydrodynamics of the Earth, planets and moons, grant INTAS, 03-51-5807, 2004-2007, head
Marginal Stability of Planetary Convection and Magnetism, grant of Royal Society (UK), International Incoming Short Visits - 2007/R3, 01.12.07-29.02.08, head
2000 - 2008. I yearly read 34-hour lecture course "Plasma Physics" for students of Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy (RGATA).
2000 - 2008. I read the annual 38-hour lectures "Theory of transport phenomena" course for the Master of RGATA.
2000 – 2005. I read 26-hour lecture course "Magnetic hydrodynamics" for the Masters of RGATA.
2000 – 2004. I lead the graduate student IZMIRAN Kotelnikova M.S., who successfully defended his thesis in 2005.
2002 – 2006. I lead the graduate student of RGATA A.A. Stepanov, who successfully defended his thesis in 2007.
I read the 24-hour course of lectures «Planetary convection and magnetism» for students, graduate students and researchers of the University of Bratislava in February 2007.
2000 – 2009. I exercised scientific leadership in several diplomas and course works, which have been successfully defended by masters and students of RGATA.
Makarov, V. I., Ruzmaikin, A. A. and S. V. Starchenko, `` Magnetic activity waves,'' Solar Phys., 1987, 111, 267-277.
Makarov, V. I., Ruzmaikin, A. A. and S. V. Starchenko, ``Activity waves of the solar magnetic field,'' Solnechn. Dann., 1987, No 15, 82-88.
Ruzmaikin, A. A. and S. V. Starchenko, `` Magnetic manifestations of the solar rotation,'' Astron. J. (USSR), 1987, 64, 1057-1065.
Ruzmaikin, A. A., Sokoloff, D. D. and S. V. Starchenko, ``Excitation of non-axially symmetric modes of the Sun's mean magnetic field,'' Solar Phys., 1988, 115, 5-15.
Ruzmaikin, A. A. and S. V. Starchenko, ``Kinematic turbulent mean-field geodynamo,'' Geomag. Aeronom., 1988, 28, 475-480.
Makarov, V. I., Ruzmaikin, A. A., Starchenko, S. V. and K. S. Tavastsherna, ``The nature of rotation rates of the sector structure of the solar magnetic field,'' Solnechn.Dann., 1989, No 10, 104-111.
Starchenko, S. V. and A. M. Shukurov, ``Observable parameters of spiral galaxies and galactic magnetic fields,'' Astron. Astrophys., 1989, 214, 47-60.
Ruzmaikin, A. A. and S. V. Starchenko, ``Generation of the large-scale magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune by turbulent dynamo,'' Kosmicheskie issledovaniya, 1989, 27, 297-303.
Ruzmaikin, A. A. and A. M. Shukurov, Sokoloff, D. D., Starchenko, S.V., ``Maximally-Efficient-Generation Approach in the dynamo theory,'' Geoph. Astroph. Fluid Dynamics., 1990, 52, 125-139.
Ruzmaikin, A. A. and S. V. Starchenko, ``On the origin of Uranus and Neptune magnetic fields,'' Icarus, 1991, 93, 82-87.
Starchenko, S. V. and V. P. Shcherbakov, ``Inverse magnetosphere,'' Doklady Academy Nauk (USSR), 1991, 321, No 1, 69-74.
Starchenko, S. V., ``Fast rotating magnetohydrodynamical boundary layer,'' Magnitnaja Gidrodynamica, 1992, No 2, 106-108.
Starchenko, S. V., ``Magnetohydrodynamic structure of the Earth outer core,'' Transactions (Doklady) of Russ. Acad. Sci./Earth Sci. Sections, 1992, 326, No 6, 983-988.
Starchenko, S. V., ``Magnetohydrodynamical boundary layers in the Earth core,'' Geomagn. Aeronom., 1993, 33, 166-168.
Starchenko, S. V., ``Kinematic axisymmetric geodynamo with strong generation,'' Izv. Earth Phys., 1993, 30, No 10, 14-20.
Starchenko, S. V., ``Non-axisymmetric magnetic structure generation in planets, Sun and galaxies,'' Eds. F.Krause et.al, Proc. of 157 IAU Symp.-The Cosmic Dynamo., 1993, 263-267.
Starchenko, S. V., ``Magnetohydrodynamical flows formed on the Earth's outer core boundaries,'' J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 1993, 45, 1563-1574.
Starchenko, S. V., ``Dynamo models with strong generation 1. Kinematic solution and axisymmetric α2ω-dynamo ,'' Geoph. Astroph. Fluid Dynamics, 1994, 77, 55-77.
Starchenko, S. V., ``Excitation of non-axisymmetric magnetic structures in galaxies, Sun and planets,'' Astronomy Reports, 1995, 72, No 2., 257-262.
Starchenko, S. V., ``Basic MHD states of the Earth's Core,'' Transactions (Doklady) of Russ. Acad. Sci./Earth Sci. Sections, 1996, 348, No 5., 677-680.
Starchenko, S. V. and M. Kono, ``Comparison of numerical solutions with MEGA asymptotics of αω-dynamo problem,'' Geoph. Astroph. Fluid Dynamics, 1996, 82, 93-123.
Kleeorin, N., Rogachevskii, I., Ruzmaikin, A., Soward A. and S. Starchenko, ``Axisymmetric Flow between Differentially Rotating Spheres in a Dipole Magnetic Field," J. Fluid Mech., 1997, 344, 213- 244.
Starchenko, S. V., ``Magnetohydrodynamic of a Viscous Spherical Shell Rotating in a Strong Potential Field,'' JETP (Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.), 1997, 112, 2056-2078.
Starchenko, S. V., ``Strong Potential Magnetic Field Influence on a Slightly Differentially Rotating Spherical Shell," Studia geoph. et geod., 1998, 42, 314-319.
Starchenko, S. V., ``Magnetohydrodynamic flow between insulating shells rotating in strong potential field," Physics of Fluids (A), 1998, 10, Issue 9, 2412-2420.
Starchenko, S. V., `` Supercritical convection associated with ultrafast MHD rotation," JETP (Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.), 1999, 115 (5), 1708-1720.
Starchenko, S. V., `` Supercritical magnetoconvection in rapidly rotating planetary cores," Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 2000, 117 (1-4), 225-235.
Starchenko, S. V., ``Anealstic planetary Magnetohydrodynamics,'' NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, 2001, 26, 217-224.
Starchenko, S. V. and M. S. Kotelnikova, ``Symmetric thermo-mass-transport in rotating spherical shell,'' JETP (Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz), 2002, 121 (3), 538-550 [translated by AIP in Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2002, 94 (3), 459-469].
Starchenko, S. V. and C. A. Jones, ``Typical velocity and magnetic field strengths in planetary interiors,'' Icarus, 2002, 157, Iss 2, 426-435.
Starchenko S.V. and A. A. Stepanov, ``Heat sources and fluxes in the Earth's mantle,'' Doklady Earth Sciences, 2002, 384, Iss 4, 438-441.
Starchenko, S. V., Botvinovsky, V. V. and G. M. Solodovnikov ``Azimuth currents in the Earth's core and axial magnetic harmonics,'' Geomagnetizm and Aeronomiya, 2003, 43, No 1, 112-117.
Starchenko, S. V. and V. V. Botvinovsky ``Azimuth currents and paleomagnetic levels,'' Izvestia, Physics of the Solid Earth, 2003, No 5, 85-93.
Kotelnikova, M. S. and S. V. Starchenko ``Heat-mass-transfer in decreasing liquid core of the Earth,'' Izvestia, Phys. Solid Earth, 2003, No 11, 923-932.
Starchenko, S. V. ``Gravitational differentiation in the planetary cores,'' Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2003, 5, No 6, 431-438.
Stepanov, A. A., Starchenko, S. V. ``Spherically symmetric heat-transfer in the mantle,'' Electronic journal “Investigated in Russia”, 2005, 169, 1760-1770 (http://zhurnal.ape.relarn.ru/articles/2005/169.pdf).
Starchenko, S. V., Kotelnikova, M. S. and I. V. Maslov ``Marginal stability of almost adiabatic planetary convection,'' Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 2006, 100, 397-428.
Kotelnikova M.S., Starchenko S.V. Stability of almost adiabatic convection in rotating planetary shells. Contributions to Geophysics & Geodesy. 2009. Vol.39. Special Issue "Natural Dynamos". P.19-21.
Pushkarev Y.D., Starchenko S.V. Solid core as relic of protocore. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2010. V.74, Issue 12, Suppl.1, P.A835.
Starchenko S.V., Scaling and energy Hydromagnetic underlying dynamics of the Earth and the planetary cores. Geophysical Research. 2010. T.11. No 3. P. 71-80.
Pushkarev Y.D., Starchenko S.V. Solid core as relic of protocore. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2010. V.74, Issue 12, Suppl.1, P.A835.
Bassom A.P., Soward A.M., Starchenko S.V. The onset of strongly localized thermal convection in rotating spherical shells // J. Fluid Mech. 2011, V. 689, P. 376-416.
Starchenko SV Harmonic sources of the main geomagnetic field // Geomagn. 2011 TA 51, number 3, pp 412-418.
Starchenko S.V. Energetic Scaling of the Geodynamo // Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. 2013. V.53. No 2. p. 243-247
Starchenko S. V., Ivanov V. V. Nature of the diffusion, generation, and drift of the geomagnetic dipole from 1900 to 2010 // Doklady Earth Sciences. 2013. V. 448. Issue: 1. p. 67-69.
Starchenko S. V., Kotelnikova M. S. Critical stability of almost adiabatic convection in a rapidly rotating thick spherical shell // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 2013. V.116. Issue: 2. p. 338-345.
Starchenko S.V. No source of the electric field in magnetohydrodynamics. // Magnetohydrodynamics. 2013. V.49. No 1. P. 69-71.
Starchenko S.V., Pushkarev Y.D. Magnetohydrodynamic scaling of geodynamo and planetary protocore concept // Magnetohydrodynamics. 2013. V.49. No 1. P. 35-42.
49. Starchenko S.V., Analytic base of geodynamo-like scaling laws in the planets, geomagnetic periodicities and inversions // Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. - 2014. - V. 54, - No 6. - P. 694-701.
Starchenko S.V. Observational Estimate of Magnetic Field and Geodynamo Parameters under the Surface of the Earth’s Core // Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. 2015. V.55. No 5. p. 693-699.
Starchenko S. V. Orientational, Kinetic, and Magnetic Energy of Geodynamo, Reversals, and Asymmetries // Izvestiya-Physics of the Solid Earth. 2015. V.51 Issue: 4. p. 566-573.
Starchenko S.V. Hypothetical parameters of planetary dynamos deduced from direct observations, scaling laws, paleomagnetic and isotope reconstructions // Proceedings of the 11th International School and Conference “Problems of Geocosmos” (Oct. 03-07, 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia), P. 64-72. 2016.
Starchenko S.V., Yakovleva S.V. MHD sources of multipoles in the Earth’s core from 400 years of observations // Proceedings of the 11th Intl School and Conference “Problems of Geocosmos” (Oct 03-07, 2016, St.Petersburg, Russia), P.73-80. 2016.
Yakovleva S.V., Starchenko S.V., Ivanov V.V. Evaluation of geodynamo parameters and older fields from dipole and quadrupole observed since 1840 // Proceedings of the 11th Intl School and Conference “Problems of Geocosmos” (Oct 03-07, 2016, St.Petersburg, Russia), P.109-114. 2016.
Starchenko S.V. Scaling and excitation of combined convection in a rapidly rotating plane layer // (JETP) Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V. 124. No 2. P. 352–357. 2017.
Starchenko S.V. Energy geodynamo parameters compatible with analytical, numerical, paleomagnetic models and observations // Fizika Zemli. No 6. P. 110-124. 2017.