
The INTERHELIOPROBE project is being developed
within the framework of the Federal Space Program of the Russian
Federation. It is aimed at the research of the Sun from close distances
including inner heliosphere and solution of the problems of solar
corona heating, acceleration of the solar wind, origin of the solar
flares and coronal mass ejections.
ballistic scheme of the mission
The spacecraft (SC) will start from the Earth and
due to the multiple gravitational maneuvers (GM) near the Venus will
comes nearer to the Sun, saving due to it the fuel and reducing the
time of the flight to the operational orbit. GMs near the Venus will
allow also to incline the plane of the SC orbit with respect to the
ecliptic plane and to carry out the observations of the near polar
regions of the Sun. In perihelion on the distances about 40 solar
radius the corotation will take place, i.e. within approximately 7 days
SC will synchronously rotates with the Sun, hanging above the subsolar
region. The corotation will allow carry out the special observations
and in-situ measurements.
Comparison of the operational orbit of the
INTERHELIOPROBE (red) with the Helios-1,2 orbit (1974) (green).