Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation
Russian Academy of Sciences
( founded in 1939 )
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Ionospheric weather: Planetary storms of total electron content

Catalogue of geomagnetic Dst storms

Catalogue of geomagnetic Kp storms

Last global TEC storm

Planetary storms of total electron content for 1994-2025

Catalogue of geomagnetic Dst storms for 1957-2025

Catalogue of geomagnetic Kp storms for 1932-2025

Catalogue of positive W index Arctic substorms for 1994-2025

Catalogue of negative W index Arctic substorms for 1994-2025

Catalogue of positive W index Antarctic substorms for 1994-2025

Catalogue of negative W index Antarctic substorms for 1994-2025

Planetary Wp index for 0, 1,...,23 h UT and diurnal value for 1994-2025

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Algorithm prepared by Tamara Gulyaeva (IZMIRAN Russia - gulyaeva@izmiran.ru)