10th International Seminar "Low-frequency wave processes in space plasma"
Abstract submission
All participants of the 10th International Seminar "Low-frequency wave processes in space plasma" are requested to submit the abstracts of their talks / reports by the 1st of September 2007. The abstracts will be printed and handed over to the participants upon registration. The abstract should fit into one page when printed with the following parameters:
font 12pt
text width 16cm
text height 25cm
base line skip 18pt
The abstract should contain the following points:
title of abstract
author(s) initials and name
address, including e-mail
text of the abstract
references (if appropriate)
Those who use LaTeX may use the following simplest template
% 10th International Seminar "Low-frequency wave processes in space plasma"
%Abstract template
% LaTeX format
\textwidth 16cm
\textheight 25cm
\baselineskip 18pt
\ \\
{\large \bf Title – type the title of the abstract here}\\
\ \\
{\large Initial(s) and name of the first author}\\
{\em the first author's address and e-mail}\\
{\large Initial(s) and name of the second author}\\
{\em the second author's address and e-mail}\\
{\large Initial(s) and name of the next author (if present)}\\
{\em the next author's address and e-mail (if present)}\\
\ \\
Here comes the text of the abstract.
\ \\
{\em References}\\
Here come references in arbitrary format. If the abstract does not have References, just skip the previous two lines.
Those who do not use LaTeX may submit the abstract in any editable text format keeping in mind the requirements above. The abstracts should be sent by e-mail at the following address: