Program of the 10th International Seminar
"Low-frequency wave processes in space plasma".
Yu. M. Mikhailov, Ya. P. Sobolev.
Jacov Iosifovich Likhter – the pioneer of ground based and satellites VLF
investigations. (Time to be announced).
1. Mechanisms of the generation of LF emissions.
13.11.2007. 09:00 – 13:00 (15 min break)
25 and 15 min for invited and regular talks, respectively (including time for questions).
1.1. V.Yu.Trakhtengerts.
Generation of discrete VLF emissions in the magnetosphere. (Invited)
1.2. P.A. Bespalov.
VLF - emissions caused by effective saturation of absorption in the
magnetospheric plasma maser. (Invited)
1.3. V. Krupar, O. Santolik, J.S. Pickett, D.A. Gurnett, M. Maksimovic,
N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin.
Analysis of spatio-temporal properties of lion roar emissions. (Invited)
1.4. T. M. Burinskaya.
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the plasma sheet boundary layer.
1.5. D.Yu. Klimushkin, P. N. Mager.
Emission of Alfven Waves by a ring current inhomogeneity after substorm
1.6. N. A. Zolotukhina, P.N. Mager, D.Yu. Klimushkin.
Poloidal Alfven waves, generated by nonstationary procees: observations and
1.7. A.A. Lubchich, N.V. Semenova, A.G. Yahnin, A.G. Demekhov.
Modelling the generation of EMIC waves in the Earth’s magnetosphere.
1.8. Б.И. Клайн, Н.А. Куражковская.
Длиннопериодные пульсации высокоширотной магнитосферы.
1.9. A.V. Guglielmi, B.I. Klain, O.D. Zotov, A.S. Potapov, N.A. Zolotukhina.
Polarization of the ULF geoelectromagnetic waves.
2. Nonlinear wave processes in LF band. Resonant interaction of LF emissions
with energetic particles.
13.11.2007. 14:30 – 18:30 (15 min break)
25 and 15 min for invited and regular talks, respectively (including time for questions).
2.1. M. Parrot, J. Manninen, O. Santolik, F. Nemec, T. Turunen, T. Raita,
and E. Macusova.
Large scale magnetospheric line radiation event observed by a satellite and a
ground-based experiment. (Invited)
2.2. A.G. Yahnin, T.A. Yahnina.
Energetic Proton Precipitation Related to Ion-Cyclotron Waves. (Invited)
2.3. A.G.Demekhov.
Acceleration of relativistic electrons in the magnetosphere by VLF chorus
emissions. (Invited)
2.4. A.V. Guglielmi, B.V. Dovbnya.
Pc1 waves and the pulse-like events. (Invited)
2.5. N.S.Erokhin, L.A.Mikhailovskaya, N.N.Zolnikova.
About waveguide propagation of low-hybrid nonlinear waves in the
circumterrestrial plasma.
2.6. A.V. Guglielmi, O.D. Zotov.
Anharmonicity of ULF oscillation: Detection of the frequency doubling.
2.7. N. Mazur, V. Pilipenko, E. Fedorov, K.-H. Glassmeier.
Interaction of propagating magnetosonic and Alfven waves in a
longitudinally inhomogeneous gyrotropic plasma.
2.8. V. L. Krasovsky.
Electron dynamics in the field of a whistler wave propagating along the
magnetic field in a weakly inhomogeneous plasma.
2.9. D. L. Pasmanik, A. G. Demekhov, V. Y. Trakhtengerts, D. Nunn.
Evolution of pith-angle and energy distribution of energetic electrons related
to quasi-periodic ELF/VLF emissions in the Earth’s magnetosphere.
2.10. D.R. Shklyar.
Oblique whistler wave in an inhomogeneous plasma: resonant interaction
with energetic particles.
3. Propagation of LF waves and resonance phenomena in near-Earth plasma.
Reflection, scattering, and transformation of waves in the ionosphere and the magnetosphere.
14.11.22007. 09:00 – 13:00 (15 min break)
14:30 – 15:15
25 and 15 min for invited and regular talks, respectively (including time for questions).
3.1. J. Bortnik, R. M. Thorne , N. P. Meredith.
Modeling the global propagation characteristics of chorus waves. (Invited)
3.2. M. Ozaki, Y. Hata, S. Yagitani, I. Nagano, H. Yamagishi, N. Sato,
and A. Kadokura.
Localization of the ionospheric exit point of natural ELF/VLF waves from
multipoint ground-based observation near L = 6.5. (Invited)
3.3. J. Chum, D. Shklyar, J. Fiser, F. Jiricek, Santolik, M. Parrot, G. Diendorfer.
Lightning induced whistlers, their penetration through the ionosphere and
propagation in the magnetosphere; peculiar spectrograms and difficulties in
their modeling. (Invited)
3.4. E.N. Ermakova, D.S. Kotik and S.V. Polaykov.
On the influence of the ionospheric resonance structures on the spectral
characteristics of the ULF natural noise and artificial signals. (Invited)
3.5. E.N. Ermakova, D.S. Kotik, A.V. Ryabov.
Investigation of the dependence of SRS structural peculiarities on the activity
of world thunderstorm centers.
3.6. N.V. Semenova, A.G. Yahnin.
Characteristics of the spectral resonance structure of the ULF electromagnetic
noise observed at the high-latitude observatory Barentsburg.
3.7. A. S. Leonovich, D. A. Kozlov.
Field line resonances in a dipole-like magnetosphere concerning
the Alfven or slow magnetosonic waves.
3.8. M. I. Beloglazov, G. F. Remenets.
Ultra relativistic electron precipitations in the polar middle atmosphere.
3.9. A.A. Ostapenko, E.E. Titova, T. Turunen, J. Manninen, T. Raita.
Polarization of VLF waves in waveguide Earth-ionosphere.
3.10. Ya. P. Sobolev, Yu. M. Mikhailov, O. V. Kapustina.
Registration of echo-whistlers on the “Kosmos-1809” satellite.
3.11. T.V.Gaivoronska.
Infrasonic wave transformation at ionospheric altitudes.
3.12. Yu. V. Kyzyurov.
Fluctuations in the geomagnetic field strength induced by sporadic-E plasma
3.13. V.A. Pilipenko, E.N. Fedorov.
Interaction of Alfven waves with resistive layers.
4. LF transmitter signals and LF antennas.
Equipment and processing methods for LF measurements.
14.11.22007. 15:30 – 18:30 (15 min break)
25 and 15 min for invited and regular talks, respectively (including time for questions).
4.1. M. Parrot, J.A. Sauvaud, J.J. Berthelier, J.P. Lebreton.
Strong ionospheric perturbations generated by powerful VLF ground-based
transmitters. (Invited)
4.2. V.A. Mullayarov.
Remote sounding by the thunderstorm VLF radio noise. (Invited)
4.3. N.A. Smirnova, M. Hayakawa.
Application of fractal methods for extraction of the earthquake precursory
signatures from ULF geomagnetic data. (Invited)
4.4. G.A. Mikhailova, Yu.M. Mikhailov, A.I. Osin, O.V. Kapustina.
Realization of VLF lightning location method at multiple sites by time of
group arrival (TOGA) at IZMIRAN site “TOGAMOW”. (Invited)
4.5. V.I. Kozlov, R.R. Karimov, V.A. Mullayarov.
Synchronization of VLF signal registrations by means of GPS.
4.6. V.I. Kozlov, R.R. Karimov, V.A. Mullayarov.
Observations of signals of VLF-radio stations during the solar eclipses on
29.03.06 and 19.03.07.
4.7. A.B. Pashin, A.A. Mochalov.
Density of upper atmosphere neutrals and amplitude of artificial
magnetic pulsations in Pc1 range generated via ionosphere heating.
4.8. O.V. Soloviev, V.I. Ivanov.
Near-Earth low-frequency electromagnetic field design method allowing
for geometrical and electrical terrain inhomogeneities.
5. Results of satellite and ground-based low-frequency studies and
planned experiments.
15.11.2007. 09:00 – 13:00 (15 min break
25 and 15 min for invited and regular talks, respectively (including time for questions).
5.1. M. M. Mogilevsky, L. M. Zelenyi, V. Yu. Trakhtengerts, A.G. Demekhov,
J.- L. Rauch, J.-A. Sauvaud, K.M. Pichkhadze, I.N. Goroshkov, B.Boychev.
Investigation of wave-particle interactions in the inner magnetosphere:
RESONANCE project. (Invited)
5.2. O. Santolik.
Overview of recent experimental results on whistler-mode chorus. (Invited)
5.3. E. E. Titova, B. V. Kozelov, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, A. G. Demekhov, O. Santolik,
E. Macusova, D. A. Gurnett, J. S. Pickett.
VLF chorus emissions observed by CLUSTER satellites inside the generation
region: comparison with the backward wave oscillator model. (Invited)
5.4. J. L. Rauch, F. El-Lemdani Mazouz, P. M. E. Decreau, S. Grimald, X. Vallieres,
A. Rochel, J. G. Trotignon, P. Canu, F. Darrouzet.
Electrostatics emissions in the plasmasphere region observed by
5.5. E. Macusova, O. Santolik, D. A. Gurnett, J. S. Pickett, P. Decreau, D. Nunn,
V. Yu. Trakhtengerts, A. G. Demekhov, E. E. Titova, B. V. Kozelov,
M. J. Rycroft.
Variablility of wave packets of whistler mode chorus as a function of plasma
5.6. I.E. Belova, M. M. Mogilevsky, T.V. Romantsova, M.I. Yanovsky,
A.I. Sheykhet.
Orbits and strategy of measurements of RESONANCE project.
5.7. V.A. Mullayarov, S.N. Samsonov, A.V. Moiseev.
Relation of VLF-emissions variations to cosmic noise absorption during a
magnetospheric response to nonstationary solar wind structures.
5.8. N.G. Kleimenova, O.V. Kozyreva.
Magnetic storm and substorm control of the high-latitude ELF polar chorus
5.9. J. Chum , F. Hruska, T. Sindelarova, D. Buresova, P. Hejda, J. Bochnicek.
Geomagnetic Pi2 pulsations and their correlation with continuous Doppler
sounding of the ionosphere; first results.
5.10. T.A. Yahnina, T. Bosinger, H.U. Frey, A.G. Yahnin.
Localization of the Pc1 source using proton aurora observations and data from
the meridional network of magnetometers.
5.11. D.S. Kotik, E.N. Ermakova, A.V. Ryabov.
On the sources of the ULF background noise.
5.12. А.В. Петленко, Ю.А. Копытенко, В. Пилипенко, Л. Мартинес,
В.С. Исмагилов.
Исследование динамики ионосферных источников геомагнитных
пульсаций типа Pi2.
5.13. Yu.A. Kopytenko, V.S. Ismaguiov.
2D momentary distributions of amplitudes, gradients and phase velocities of
geomagnetic pulsations.
5.14. V.I Larkina, N.G.Sergeeva, B.V.Senin.
Reflection of lithospheric structures of Antarctica in satellite data.
5.15. D.G Buyanova, Yu.B. Bashkuev and V.B. Khaptanov.
Analysis of VLF spectra according to the DEMETER satellite
and ground measurement data.
6. Lower-frequency emissions and seismic activity: possible mechanisms of connection.
15.11.2007. 14:30 – 19:00 (15 min break)
25 and 15 min for invited and regular talks, respectively (including time for questions).
6.1. V.D. Kuznetzov, Yu.Ja. Ruzhin, Yu.M. Mikhailov, G.A. Mikhailova,
O.V. Kapustina, V.S. Dokukin, G.I.Druzhin, S.E. Smirnov, Sz. Ference,
Ja.Lichtenberger, L. Bodnar, V.E. Korepanov.
VLF experiment on the Compass 2 satellite and ground-based measurements
of the seismoelectromagnetic effects on Kamchatka. (Invited)
6.2. O.A. Molchanov.
VLF/ELF effects related to earthquakes and volcano eruptions: latest results.
6.3. A.S. Inchin, M.B. Ismailov.
Kazakhstan's Project for creation a space system with scientific purposes of
earthquake precursor research. (Invited)
6.4. O. Novik, Y. Ruzhin, S. Ershov.
Tsunami precursor physics: theory and applications. (Invited)
6.5. V. S. Ismaguilov, Yu. A. Kopytenko.
Anomalous behavior of gradients, phase velocities and correlation
coefficients of ULF (f < 1 Hz) geomagnetic disturbances observed before
strong EQs.
6.6. V.I. Larkina.
Low-frequency emissions as the means of diagnostics of the environment.
6.7. G.A. Mikhailova, Yu.M. Mikhailov, O.V. Kapustina, G.I. Druzhin,
S.E. Smirnov.
Penetration of the internal gravity waves to altitudes of D region and
ionospheric dynamo in seismically active region (Kamchatka): preliminary
6.8. O.A. Molchanov, A.Yu. Schekotov, E.N. Fedorov, S. E. Andreevsky,
V.N. Chebrov, G.G. Belyaev.
New ULF-ELF seismo-electromagnetic phenomena.
6.9. N.A. Smirnova, V.N. Troyan, D.A. Kiyashchenko, Yu.A. Kopytenko,
V.S. Ismagilov, F. Vallianatos, J. Makris, V. Lapenna, L.Teleska, A. Tzanis.
A methodology for combined seismic-electromagnetic testing of the
earthquake preparation zone.
6.10. L. V. Sorokin.
Seismo-electromagnetic emission related with seismic waves.
6.11. O.D. Zotov, A.V. Guglielmi.
The human impact on the geomagnetic pulsations and seismic activity.
6.12. A.N. Lyakhov, Yu.I.Zetzer.
VLF signals in the ionosphere over the fault systems as observed by the DE-2
6.13. G.I. Druzhin.
Electromagnetic precursors of earthquakes according to observation data
in Kamchatka.