Coronal holes
- Vladmir Obridko, Valery Fomichev, A. F. Kharshiladze, Igor Zhitnik, Vladmir Slemzin, S.T. Wu, J. Ding, and David Hathaway
Analyses and Modeling of Coronal Holes Observed by CORONAS-I.I. Morphology and Magnetic Field Configuration
Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, V.18, N.6, 819-828, 2000.
- I.M. Chertok, Hudson H.S., Mogilevsky E.I., Obridko V.N., Shilova N.S.
Solar disappearing filament inside a coronal hole and associated large-scale activity
2002 , Astroph.J., V.567, 1225-1233
- V. N. Obridko, B. D. Shelting, I. M. Livshits, and A. B. Askerov
Relationship between the Contrast of Coronal Holes and Parameters of the Solar Wind Streams
Astronomy Reports, 2009, Vol. 53, No. 11, pp. 1050-1058.Translated fromÀñòðîí. æ. 2009, ò. 86, № 11, ñòð 1125–1132.