Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation
Russian Academy of Sciences
( founded in 1939 )
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  • J.Staude, F.Furstenberg, J.Hildebrandt, A.Kruger, J.Jakimiec, V.N.Obridko, M.Siarkowski, B.Sylwester, L.Sylwester
    A working model of sunspot structure in photosphere, chromosphere, and corona derived from X-ray, EUV, optical, and radio observations

    Acta Astronomica, 1983, v. 33, No. 3-4, pp. 441-460.
  • J.Staude, F.Furstenberg, J.Hildebrandt, A.Kruger, J.Jakimiec, V.N.Obridko, M.Siarkowski, B.Sylwester, L.Sylwester
    The atmosphere of a sunspot based on observations in the X-ray, extreme ultraviolet, optical, and radio ranges

    Soviet Astronomy, 1984, v. 28, No. 5, pp. 557-563.